Say Hello to Better Health

Hello Heart is taking on the #1 cause of death - heart disease. With its easy-to-use monitor and app, the company's mission is to empower people to understand and improve their heart health using technology and behavioral science.

Spreading the Word
Having done largely B2B marketing efforts, the Hello Heart team was ready to make their first consumer facing video. And not just any product explainer. Hello Heart wanted something fun, colorful, and eye catching. Each character/scene would be associated with a different customer persona as they navigate their own unique journey to heart health.

Putting the Cardio in Cardiovascular
The Colormatics team designed three colored sets to represent each persona. Furniture and props were sourced and spray painted for that extra stylized look. We'll admit it; our thrifted exercise bike from the 90s was the ultimate gem ✨
Meet Bella 🐶

Did we mention there's a dog? Bella, the Boston Terrier, joined us on set as the adorable Hello Heart mascot. Don't worry, a handful of treats were given with every take.