Showcasing Your Company
If there's one thing Colormatics knows, it's testimonial videos. We've produced hundreds of these testimonials throughout our company's history. During that time, we've been employed by Fortune 500 companies, nascent tech startups, and small business owners on three continents and all across America. By applying a unique approach to filming, storytelling, and editing, Colormatics creates visual enforcements for your company's service or product.
Helping Buyers Make Choices
According to a study by Demand Generation, nearly 80% of buyers said they used testimonials to make a purchasing decision last year, making them a critical piece in the decision process. And customers are anywhere from 60% to 84% more likely to make a purchase after watching a video. As a crucial part of the consideration stage of the funnel, letting potential customers know that you have a number of successful client relationships can push customers to convert.
a step above
Creating the Ideal Video
Any production company can create a testimonial video but the elements to creating an amazing one demand your attention: Colormatics has integrated the following techniques to create the ideal testimonial video.
- Three-camera interview process allows for a dynamic moving camera and easy post-production.
- Dynamic b-roll reinforces emotional and logical appeals.
- Graphics subtly assist in storytelling without taking away attention.
- The post-production process focused on superior sound mixing, color, and editing.